Gas station

Date: 2014-11-26About (0) comment font size: T T T

Special remote monitoring system for gas station of petrochina branch company.The capital of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, has a first-level monitoring center, large-capacity storage equipment and large screen.Twelve cities have their own level 2 monitoring centers with large screens and PCS for surveillance, video and management purposes.The video sent by the secondary monitoring center is sent through the primary network center;The monitoring system covers 3,000 gas stations across the province.

At the same entrance/exit of the gas station, cashiers and sensitive areas of the oil depot are the highest protection targets.The system monitors these targets, records video and stores the files plugged into the DVR/DVS hard disk.Video files can be replayed.The system can be interconnected to systems 110 and 119, so call the preset phone number if needed to notify the alarm.Alarm linkage will help to deal with accidents immediately and reduce losses.