Who have leadership ability?

Our research shows that 76% of companies indicated a lack of leadership is one of the major problems it faces. Who is capable for the organization of direction? Who will lead the necessary innovation? Without excellent leadership, company will face enormous obstacles to development. And this situation happened in many companies nowadays!

This is not just for searching current leaders, but also train leaders for future. To give staffs a challenging role, to encourage them to use new skills along the way without hindered future progress. Otherwise, company may loss valuable staffs, who may flow to competitors.

Successful companies will do:

Get team members together to learn from the activity and experience. In order to advance staff’s ability of solving real business problems

Allow senior leaders to guide teams to work together in pairs, and open leadership and skills

Training Program provides job training, classroom experience and self-management Web-based training

Job rotation so that employees experienced a variety of issues, organizations can meet the challenge to measure the effectiveness of staff

Hybrid learning will be combined with distributed technologies (such as e-learning) and the more traditional classroom training

Case learning in a bank

Building leadership expertise through the hybrid learning

In deregulation and intense competition, leading banking groups need to be able to be more agile to respond to market demands. It identified two management development goals:

To train managers to advance abilities of supervision

Develop staff expertise through innovation


Hybrid learning methods through the use of the following banks for the first-line manager of the introduction of a new Enterprise Development Program:

• Learn from classroom

• peer collaboration

• in-service management guidance

• hire experienced managers to guide

Approximately 750 managers of the core technologies (such as communication, guidance and team leader) training.


• throughout the organization to introduce a common model of management and leadership

• Increased communication manager for strategic insight and the ability to hire staff

• change the culture, when the 750 core group of managers and their teams to share their learning achievements, on the right approximately 3,000 employees have had an impact

• to achieve a great return on investment, and a significant impact on business results